
Join a thriving community where engaging events and webinars inspire meaningful connections, shared learning and the chance to share stories in the powerful context of WHY.


The best place to look for WHY echo waves are stories that happened in your life and really touched you deep inside. Our webinars are home of stories written by life itself. We want our webinars to be a place where learning is collaborative and inspiring.
What you get
Engage with a community - our friends - that shares your passion for WHY and personal growth.
Shared learning
Explore and reflect on life-changing insights of all the participants in the context of WHY.
Personal inspiration
Discover powerful stories and perspectives that help you to discover or sharpen your own WHY.
Coming up next
Discover your WHY
March 20, 2025
Performed on
Microsoft Teams
Free Dial In
Details and registration
Activate your WHY
April 3, 2025
Performed on
Microsoft Teams
Free Dial In
Details and registration


Our events are made for people asking themselves who or what they want to be and therefore are trying to find the right tribe. We want our community - our friends - to share their stories to inspire and enable every participant to live a life with intention.
What you get
Meanginful exchange
Connect deeply through impactful conversations about WHY, Purpose or FLOW. Our Community - our friends.
Purposeful connection
Meet inspiring individuals who share their stories and let yourself inspire to live a life with intention.
Shared experiences
Partiipte in moments that bring your WHY to life through collaboration and inspiring workshops.
Coming up next
Next events currently in preparation.